Friday, 27 June 2008

Atmosphere / Brother Ali show

I recently received a photo pass for a show at Koko in Camden. It was for the excellent hip-hop act Atmosphere. This was one of my first experiences being able to get close up to the artists (friend's bands aside) and was quite an interesting challenge.
The main challenge was shooting in such dark and fluctuating lighting conditions, however I hope you agree that the lighting created a real atmosphere (no pun intended) in the some of the shots.
My photos were used for an article by my good friend Stuart Waterman which you can read here

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Here I am

So this is my new home for all things photographical. Once I've got the hang of it all I shall be posting regular pics in the hope that people will enjoy them, comment on them, criticise them (constructively of course) and discuss them.

I hope you'll drop by regularly and bare with me while I learn how to drive this beast.

